HT-THERMIC Thermocouple

The demand for measuring very high temperature in research laboratories, specialized furnaces, and in other high temperature experimental and industrial applications has grown dramatically in recent years. In response to this demand, Yamari Industries has been providing its Tungsten Rhenium thermocouples and expert knowledge to customers needing accurate measurements of high temperatures in a wide range of fields. Now, Yamari is pleased to announce it has developed a new type of Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple, “VAC-Curate 2100”, in conjunction with a world class Japanese manufacturer of quality alloys and can supply thermocouple elements conforming to ASTM standard E988-96 in matched pairs.

Advantages of the Tungsten Rhenium Thermocouple

  • Compared to platinum elements, the Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple has a high and relatively linear thermal emf output.
  • Tungsten Rhenium can measure temperature over a range extending to 2,300°C.
  • Noble metal thermocouples are usually used in oxidizing or inert atmosphere. Tungsten Rhenium thermocouples are suitable for use in reducing or inert atmosphere and in vacuum or nuclear environments.

Characteristics of the VAC-Curate 2100 Thermocouple

The graphs below compare conventional Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple against Yamari’s VAC-Curate 2100 thermocouple. As shown, the VAC-Curate 2100 outperforms conventional Tungsten Rhenium both on initial tolerance and emf drift.

Tolerance comparison between a conventional Tungsten Rhenium thermocouple and Yamari VAC-Curate 2100 thermocouple, using the standard thermocouple calibrated by NIST.
Measured errors at the freezing point of Cu(1084.62℃) after 3 hours and 10 hours exposure in an argon atmosphere.

Physical Properties of the VAC-Curate 2100

Melting point (°C) 3375°C※ 3021°C※
Specific Gravity 19.4 19.6
Resistivity µΩ·cm(30°C) 12.6 28.8
Coefficient of Expansion(0~100°C) 4.6×10 -6 4.9×10 -6
Specific Heat (30°C) 0.131 0.132

*※Melting points refer to W/3%Re-W/25%Re as the references listed do not provide values to W/5%Re-W/26%Re alloys.
References: Monograph Series on Alloy Phase Diagrams 7
「Phase Diagrams of Binary Tungsten Alloys」THE INDIAN INSTITUTE of METALS